Ana Maria Labin - Soprano - W Print

Romanian-born soprano Ana Maria Labin was raised in Switzerland. While still a student in Zurich, she won the First Prize at the “Concours Ernst Haefliger” and had her debut as Valencienne in Die lustige Witwe at La Scala in Milan and at the Opéra Garnier in Paris, under the baton of Asher Fisch.

Ana Maria Labin established herself as an acclaimed Mozart singer. He recent appearances include: Aspasia in Mitridate at the Staatsoper in Berlin, Contessa in Le Nozze di Figaro, Donna Anna in Don Giovanni and Fiordiligi in Così fan tutte in Ivan Alexandre’s Da Ponte Trilogy under Marc Minkowski in Drottningholm and Versailles, recently revived also in Bordeaux, Liceu in Barcelona and Ravenna; Donna Anna in Glyndebourne, Contessa in Prague and at Opera North. Other Mozart roles include: Konstanze in Die Entführung aus dem Serail in Glyndebourne, Arminda in La Finta giardiniera in Aix-en-Provence, Celia in Mozart’s Lucio Silla at the Mannheimer Mozartwochen under the baton of Adam Fischer.

Her vast Baroque repertoire includes: Handel’s Rinaldo (Armida) in Glyndebourne (staged by Robert Carsen) under Laurence Cummings, with whom she also performed Handel’s Brockespassion at the Händelfestspiele Göttingen; Vivaldi’s Juditha Triumphans (Vagaus) under Jean-Christophe Spinosi at Théâtre des Champs Elysées, Steffani’s Niobe (Manto) under Thomas Hengelbrock in Schwetzingen. At the Festival Baroque de Beaune she appeared in Handel’s Serse (Romilda) and in Vivaldi’s Giustino (Leocasta) with Ottavio Dantone, in Handel’s Semele (title role) and Solomon (First Woman/Queen of Sheeba) with Leonardo Garcia Alarcon as well in Handel’s Rodrigo (Esilena) under Thibault Noally. Other appearances include: Haydn’s Orfeo ed Euridice (Euridice) at the Eisenstadt Haydnfestival under Enrico Onofri, Mozart’s Mass in C minor and Handel’s Ariodante (Ginevra) with Les Musiciens du Louvre and Marc Minkowski, Haydn’s La vera costanza (Baronessa Irene) under Andreas Spering in Brühl, Mozart’s Vesperae Solennes de Confessore under Claus Peter Flor with the Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia in Rome, Cantatas by Bach with Ruben Jais and the Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano, Handel’s Acis and Galatea (Galatea) with Raymond Leppard and the English Chamber Orchestra. She has appeared with David Zinman (Tonhalle Orchestra), Alain Altinoglu (Orchestre National de Montpellier), Daniel Kawka (Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della RAI).

Ana Maria Labin’s concert engagements have taken her on tour performing Haydn’s Die Jahreszeiten with Les Arts Florissants and William Christie; Il ritorno di Tobia, Die Schöpfung and Die Jahreszeiten with the Haydn Philharmonie under Adam Fischer; Haydn’s Scena di Berenice and Beethoven’s Ah, perfido with Boston Baroque and Martin Pearlman; Mozart’s Mass in C minor (Soprano II) with Klaus Mäkelä and the Oslo Philharmonic and with Jean-Christophe Spinosi in Lyon and at the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées; Beethoven’s Mass in C and Choral Fantasy with Philippe Herreweghe and the Collegium Vocale Gent; Vivaldi’s In furore iustissimae irae with the English Concert under Harry Bickett; Pergolesi’s La Maddalena al sepolcro and Stabat Mater at the Festival La Chaise-Dieu under Giulio Prandi; Telemann’s cantata Ino under Michael Schneider (recently recorded for Deutsche Harmonia Mundi); Handel’s Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno in Paris and Moscow with Thibault Noally and in Beaune with Ottavio Dantone; Vivaldi’s L’Olimpiade (Aminta) in Moscow under Federico Maria Sardelli and Bononcini’s Astarto (Agenore) in Innsbruck under Stefano Montanari. Other engagements include Strauss’ Vier Letzte Lieder at Opera North under Dalia Stasevka, Gala Concerts with José Cura (Musikkollegium Winterthur), under Vladimir Jurowski (Glyndebourne Festival), Mozart Arias with the Mahler Chamber Orchestra under the baton of Antonello Manacorda, the Lehar Gala under Christian Thielemann at the Semperoper Dresden, which has been released by Deutsche Grammophon.

Among others, most recent engagements include: Händel's Ariodante (Geneva) with Les Arts Florissants and William Christie on tour; Vivaldi's Orlando furioso (Angelica) with Jean-Christophe Spinosi on tour; Le Nozze di Figaro (Contessa) at the Gärtnerplatztheater with Ruben Dubrovsky; a revival of Mozart's Mitridate (Aspasia) at the Staatsoper Berlin; her debut as Elettra in Idomeneo at the Cologne Opera; Vivaldi's L'Olimpiade at the Opera de Nice; Handel's La Resurrection in Aix en Provence and Hamburg with Les Musiciens du Louvre; the pastiche L'Olympiade at the Opera de Nice; Vivaldi's L'Olimpiade and Così fan tutte at the Théâtre des Champs Elysées in Paris; Handel's Alcina in Beaune; Carmen at the Gartnerplatztheater in Munich; Beethoven's Ninth Symphony at the Teatro La Fenice in Venice; and Bach's Mass in C minor at the Salzburger Festspiele.

Future plans include: Carmen at the Gartnerplatztheater in Munich; Don Giovanni in concert form and Samson in Paris; Gasparini's Ambleto in Vienna; Bernstein's Symphony No. 3 'Kaddish' in Bucharest; and concerts on tour in Switzerland and at the Philharmonie in Paris.

October 2024

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