Alessandro Ravasio - Bass - W Print

Born in Bergamo, Alessandro Ravasio started his musical studies in early childhood, playing the piano and the saxophone. When he was 18, he discovered his passion for singing, and after some years of private lessons, he enrolled in Scuola Civica di Musica Claudio Abbado in Milan, from where he graduated in 2017. He also holds a degree in Language Mediation.

He started his singing career in the choirs of several Italian opera houses such as the Teatro Donizetti in Bergamo and the Teatro Municipale in Piacenza, where he made his debut on stage as Leporello in Don Giovanni, Angelotti in Tosca and Sparafucile in Rigoletto. In November 2018 he sang the role of Talbot in Donizetti’s Maria Stuarda at the Teatro Sociale in Bergamo alongside Mariella Devia.

Around the same time, he discovered the Baroque repertoire during masterclasses held by Gemma Bertagnolli, debuting the role of Strabone in the modern premiere of La vedova ingegnosa by Giuseppe Sellitti. Over the years, he has sung in different vocal ensembles, such as Micrologus, Concerto Romano, Accademia d’Arcadia, Fantazyas, Coro Ghislieri and Cappella Musicale di S. Maria Maggiore (Bergamo) and took part as a soloist in several productions such as Johannes-Passion (singing Jesus and the bass arias), Kaffeekantate (as Schlendrian) and Cantata BWV 61 by Bach, Dixit Dominus, Messiah and Aci, Galatea e Polifemo (as Polifemo) by Handel, Haydn’s Nelsonmesse, Monteverdi’s L’Orfeo (Plutone), Cavalieri’s Rappresentatione di Anima, et di Corpo (Tempo), Bononcini’s Arminio (Segesto), Stradella’s Ester (Testo), A. Melani’s L’empio punito (Atrace), J. Melani’s Ercole in Tebe (Giove).

Among his recent engagements: Handel’s Poro, re delle Indie (Timagene) with Il Groviglio in Versailles; Matthäus-Passion in Vézelay with Gli Angeli and Stephan Mc Leod; Vivaldi’s Magnificat and Bach’s Cantata BWV 42 with the Orchestra del Teatro La Fenice and Federico Guglielmo; Monteverdi’s Madrigals at the Stresa Festival and in Gent with Michele Pasotti and La Fonte Musica; concerts with the Ghislieri Consort and Giulio Prandi; Sarastro (role debut) in Die Zauberfloete at the Teatro Verdi in Trieste; Bach's Magnificat in Lausanne with Il Canto di Orfeo and Weill's Die sieben Todsünden with the UNIMI Orchestra under Sebastiano Rolli.

Plans include, among others: Caronte in Monteverdi's L'Orfeo at the Festival Monteverdi in Cremona; Monteverdi's Vespri della Beata Vergine with Cremona Antiqua on tour and Mozart's Great Mass in C minor at the Maggio Musicale di Firenze under Giulio Prandi; a series of baroque concerts with Intende Voci Ensemble on tour, La Risonanza Ensemble in Milan and Ghislieri Consort in Pavia.

He has worked with conductors such as Rinaldo Alessandrini, Alessandro Quarta, Gianluca Capuano, Antonio Greco, Lorenzo Ghielmi, Giulio Prandi, and performed in festivals such as Purtimiro (Lugo), Monteverdi Festival (Cremona), Anima Mundi (Pisa), AMUZ (Antwerp), Valletta Baroque Festival (Malta). He also recorded for Dynamic (Cavalli’s Vespro della Beata Vergine), Passacaille (Frescobaldi’s motets), Arcana (Celesti Fiori, motets by Grandi) and Brilliant Classics (Concerti Spirituali with music by Melani).

May 2024

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