Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Il Viaggio a Reims
Dutch National Opera & Ballet, Amsterdam
Mario Cassi
Biagio Pizzuti
Stefano Montanari
Alessandro Carletti
Mario Cassi and Biagio Pizzuti star in the new production
of Il Viaggio a Reims in Amsterdam, Stefano Montanari conducting
and Damiano Michieletto directing. Alessandro Carletti signs the lights

Mario Cassi

Mario Cassi - Don Alvaro

Already well-established as one of the most appreciated baritones of his generation, Mr. Cassi regularly collaborates with conductors as Riccardo Muti, Bruno Campanella, Roberto Abbado, in the most prestigious theaters in Italy and abroad.

Mr Cassi recently reported a great success as Dottor Malatesta in Don Pasquale for the season’s opening night at the Teatro Filarmonico in Verona, Antonio Albanese directing, as Figaro in Il Barbiere di Siviglia in Naples, Florence and Tel Aviv, as Belcore in L’Elisir d’amore at the Staatsoper in Vienna, as Silvio in Pagliacci in Toulouse, as Danilo in The Merry Widow at the Teatro Regio in Turin.

Plans: Il Barbiere di Siviglia (Figaro) in Monte-Carlo, Arena in Verona; L’Elisir d’amore (Belcore) at the Bayerische Staatsoper in Munich; Die Zauberflöte (Papageno), La Traviata, Don Giovanni (title role) in Liège; Madama Butterfly in Bari.


Biagio Pizzuti

Biagio Pizzuti - Don Prudenzio

Young Italian baritone, he recently performed Schaunard in La Bohème and Grégorio in Roméo et Juliette under the baton of Fabio Luisi (recorded by Decca) at the Teatro Carlo Felice in Genoa. He sang Don Bartolo in Il barbiere di Siviglia in Bologna and performed in Cléopatre at the Withsun Festival in Salzburg as a member of the Salzburg Young Singers Project under Vladimir Fedoseyev; he then appeared as Betto di Signa in Gianni Schicchi at the Theater and der Wien and was then involved in another production of the same opera at the Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino in Florence. He recently sang Leporello in Don Giovanni in Maribor and Dulcamara in L’Elisir d’Amore on tour in Italy for the Circuito Lirico Lombardo; Don Giovanni (Masetto) at the Teatro Massimo in Palermo; Guglielmo in Così fan tutte in Liverpool; Gianni Schicchi in Spoleto.


Stefano Montanari

Stefano Montanari - conductor*

One of the most outstanding baroque violinists of his generation, Stefano Montanari is now much in demand as a conductor both with modern and period orchestras. Stefano Montanari was nominated for a Grammy Award for his recording of Purcell’s O Solitude with Andreas Scholl for Decca. His recording of Bach’s Sonatas and Partitas was published for the Italian music magazine Amadeus. He recently wrote a Baroque Violin method, published by Carisch. He just made his theatre debut at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow conducting Così Fan Tutte. In Venice, where he regularly appears both in opera and concert, he recently conducted Cavalli’s Eritrea (first performance in modern times) and L’Inganno Felice and Don Giovanni. He also made his debut with the Rome Opera conducting Il Barbiere di Siviglia at the Baths of Caracalla. Always active as a virtuoso violinist, Stefano Montanari has just played the whole series of Bach’s Sonatas and Partitas at the Opéra de Lyon. After a successful concert with the Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, he has been reinvited to conduct Bach's B minor mass.

Future plans: a revival of Così fan tutte at the Bolshoi in Moscow; Il Barbiere di Siviglia at the Teatro Filarmonico in Verona and Don Giovanni at the Arena; Orfeo ed Euridice at the Teatro San Carlo in Naples; Dido and Aeneas at the Opera di Firenze - Maggio Musicale Fiorentino; Agrippina in Antwerp; concerts in Milan with the Orchestra I Pomeriggi Musicali and in Palermo with the Orchestra of the Teatro Massimo. He will also play in several concerts with his own ensemble L’Estravagante in Italy and Europe. M° Montanari will return to the Opéra de Lyon involved in several new projects.

*Company debut

Alessandro Carletti

Alessandro Carletti - light designer

Born in Rome, he studied photography and painting through which he very soon discovered his passion for lighting design. In the late 90s he started working at the Rossini Opera Festival where he consolidated his experience in opera productions. With director Damiano Michieletto he started collaborating in 2008 in Lugo on Jackie’O. He worked with the same director at Teatro San Carlo in Naples for Die Entführung aus dem Serail, and at Rossini Opera Festival he created lighting design for La Scala di Seta and in 2010 Sigismondo. Furthermore, in 2011 they continued their collaboration in Valencia on Elisir d’amore, at the Teatro Massimo di Palermo Greek Passion and Cosi fan tutte at the New National Theatre Tokyo. 

He worked regularly with directors such as Daniele Abbado, Francesco Micheli, Henning Brockhaus, Pippo Delbono, Franco Ripa di Meana, Yannis Kokkos, Damiano Michsieletto and others.

Recent works include: Il Trittico (Theater an der Wien), Don Carlos (Wiener Staatsoper), Cavalleria Rusticana (Teatro San Carlo, Naples), Nabucco (Royal Opera House Covent Garden), Ballo in Maschera (Teatro La Scala) and many others while his next projects include Le Nozze di Figaro (Theater an der Wien), Guillaume Tell (Royal Opera House, London), Otello (Wiener Staatsoper) and revival of Nabucco (Liceu, Barcelona and Lyric Opera Chicago in 2016).

Dutch National
Opera & Ballet



January 20th, 2015

January 22nd

January 25th

January 27th

January 29th

February 3rd

February 5th

February 8th

Deniz Uzun and Adolfo Corrado star in Verdi’s Requiem with the Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano under the baton of Michele Gamba
21/10/2024 0.00.00
Daniel Cohen opens the concert season of the Orchestra di Padova e del Veneto conducting Puccini, Gershwin and Rimskij-Korsakov
18/10/2024 15.46.00
Marco Angius conducts Orff’s Carmina Burana at the Teatro Comunale in Bologna
18/10/2024 12.39.00
Stefano Secco and Daniela Schillaci stars in Verdi’s Stiffelio at the Teatro Filarmonico in Verona
17/10/2024 16.23.00
Principal Conductor Francesco Cilluffo conducts an Opera gala with the RTÉ Concert Orchestra in Wexford and Dublin
16/10/2024 10.29.00
Principal conductor Diego Ceretta conducts Beethoven’s Symphony no.3 “Eroica” with the Orchestra della Toscana in Florence
16/10/2024 9.30.00
Michele Spotti returns to the podium of the Bayerische Staatsoper conducting L’Elisir d’amore
15/10/2024 17.37.00
Nicola Alaimo stars as Sharpless in a new Madama Butterfly production at the Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Daniele Gatti conducting
15/10/2024 17.07.00
Jorge Navarro Colorado sings in Terradellas’ Giuseppe Riconosciuto at the Palau de la Música Catalana in Barcelona
15/10/2024 16.27.00
Roberto Lorenzi stars in Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony on tour in Italy and at the Elbphilarmonie in Hamburg
15/10/2024 12.42.00
Salome Jicia stars in Rossini’s Elisabetta Regina d'Inghilterra at the Teatro Massimo in Palermo
14/10/2024 11.27.00
Davide Giangregorio and Matteo Macchioni open the season of the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia in Rome starring in Puccini’s Tosca, Daniel Harding conducting
14/10/2024 10.32.00
Principal conductor Stefano Montanari plays and conducts Spohr, Schubert, Cherubini and Haydn with the Orchestra del Teatro Petruzzelli in Bari
14/10/2024 9.19.00
Danila Grassi conducts Donizetti’s Le convenienze ed inconvenienze teatrali at the Wexford Festival Opera, Alberto Robert stars as Guglielmo Antolstoinoloff
11/10/2024 11.05.00
Gianni Giuga is Ping in Turandot at the Teatro Zandonai in Rovereto
11/10/2024 10.25.00
Ana Maria Labin makes her debut as Micaëla in a new production of Carmen at the Gärtnerplatzheater in Munich
09/10/2024 16.36.00
Bruno Taddia stars as Licinius in a new production of Spontini’s La Vestale on tour
09/10/2024 16.11.00
Principal conductor Diego Ceretta conducts Tchaikovsky’s Fifth Symphony with the Orchestra della Toscana at the Nelson Mandela Forum in Florence
08/10/2024 17.43.00
Deniz Uzun sings Fricka in Wagner’s Ring Cycle with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Musical Director Fabio Luisi conducting
08/10/2024 17.08.00
Congratulations to Marco Armiliato that with today's performance of Les Contes d'Hoffmann (also in Cinemas worldwide) is celebrating his 500th performance at the Metropolitan Opera
05/10/2024 15.57.00
Daniela Cappiello and Roberto Abbondanza star in the world premiere of L’ultimo viaggio di Sindbad by Silvia Colasanti with the Rome Opera
03/10/2024 11.41.00
Michele Angelini stars in Myslivecek’s oratorio Abramo ed Isacco with Collegium 1704 and Vaclav Luks on tour
03/10/2024 10.03.00
Francesco Angelico returns to the Latvian National Opera conducting Donizetti’s L’Elisir d’amore
01/10/2024 17.37.00
Carmen Giannattasio stars as Tosca at the Staatsoper Hamburg. Production by Robert Carsen
01/10/2024 16.11.00
Lavinia Bini and Matteo Mancini make their debut at the Wexford Festival Opera starring in Mascagni’s Le Maschere under the baton of Francesco Cilluffo
01/10/2024 13.17.00
Giulia Mazzola and Gregory Bonfatti star in the Zeffirelli’s spectacular Turandot in Seoul. Daniel Oren conducting
01/10/2024 12.52.00
Nahuel Di Pierro sings Handel and Rameau in Chantilly with Les Talens Lyriques and Christophe Rousset
01/10/2024 11.35.00
Mikolaj Zalasinski stars as Nabucco at the Wroclaw Opera
01/10/2024 10.19.00
Diego Ceretta conducts Beethoven, Tchaikovsky and Campogrande with the Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano
01/10/2024 9.55.00
Michele Spotti debuts at the Teatro San Carlo in Naples conducting Verdi’s Simon Boccanegra
30/09/2024 17.18.00
Julia Muzychenko debuts at the Opéra Grand Avignon starring as Violetta in Verdi’s La Traviata
30/09/2024 17.03.00
Francesca Aspromonte stars in Pergolesi's Stabat Mater on tour with the Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
27/09/2024 12.37.00
Loriana Castellano stars in Vivaldi’s Orlando Furioso at the Daegu International Opera Festival on tour with the Teatro Comunale di Ferrara
27/09/2024 10.27.00
Maurizio Benini returns to the New National Theatre in Tokyo conducting a new production of La Sonnambula, Antonino Siragusa stars as Elvino
26/09/2024 12.41.00
Teresa Iervolino presents her new CD “Prima donna, primo uomo” with a program of Verdi and Rossini
25/09/2024 18.21.00
Deniz Uzun sings Waltraute in Wagner’s Ring Cycle with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Musical Director Fabio Luisi conducting
25/09/2024 15.58.00
Marco Armiliato conducts Puccini’s Tosca at the Metropolitan Opera in New York
25/09/2024 15.45.00
Alessandro Cadario conducts a new ballet based on “Peter Pan” with music by Mendelssohn at the Teatro Massimo in Palermo
25/09/2024 15.05.00
Ekaterina Bakanova, Atalla Ayan and Roberto Scandiuzzi star in Massenet’s Manon at the Teatro Regio in Turin
24/09/2024 16.47.00
Alessandro Ravasio sings in Semele by John Eccles with laRisonanza in Milan
24/09/2024 16.06.00
Adolfo Corrado and Emanuele Cordaro open the season at the Opéra de Rouen starring in Verdi’s Aida
24/09/2024 15.47.00
Stefano Montanari plays Corelli, Leo and Vivaldi for the Bologna Festival
24/09/2024 11.40.00
Diego Ceretta makes his debut at the Verdi Festival conducting a new production of La Battaglia di Legnano in Parma
24/09/2024 11.01.00
“Voci Verdiane” first prize winner Hae Kang makes his debut as Renato in Un Ballo in Maschera at the Verdi Festival in Busseto under Fabio Biondi
24/09/2024 10.35.00
Enrico Casari makes his debut as Prunier in Puccini’s La Rondine in Novara
23/09/2024 17.52.00
Sebastiano Rolli conducts a new production of I Capuleti e i Montecchi for OperaLombardia in Brescia
23/09/2024 17.41.00
Paolo Arrivabeni returns to the Opernhaus Zürich conducting Verdi’s Simon Boccanegra, Jennifer Rowley stars as Amelia
23/09/2024 17.19.00
Diego Ceretta conducts Campogrande, Prokofiev and Dvořák with the Orchestra del Teatro Comunale di Bologna
23/09/2024 17.05.00
Music Director Andriy Yurkevych conducts Otello in a new production at the National Theatre in Prague, Mikolaj Zalasinski stars as Jago
23/09/2024 15.34.00
David Astorga sings Malcolm in a new production of the French version of Verdi’s Macbeth at the Verdi Festival in Parma
23/09/2024 12.14.00
Music Director Michele Spotti opens the season at the Opéra de Marseille conducting Norma, Salome Jicia stars as Adalgisa
23/09/2024 11.00.00
Riccardo Bisatti conducts a new production of La Bohème for OperaLombardia Davide Peroni and Alfonso Michele Ciulla complete the cast
23/09/2024 10.45.00
Stage Door welcomes Anna Goryachova to its Roster for General management
20/09/2024 17.11.00
Francesco Cilluffo conducts Busoni, Martucci and Respighi with the Filarmonica Arturo Toscanini and Francesca Dego at the Festival Respighi in Bologna
20/09/2024 16.12.00
Alessandro Cadario conducts the world premiere of “Il buio non ha voce” by Matteo d’Amico at the Teatro Petruzzelli in Bari
20/09/2024 15.57.00
Marco Armiliato returns to the Metropolitan Opera in New York conducting Les contes d'Hoffmann
20/09/2024 15.07.00
Gezim Myshketa opens the season at the Theatre du Capitole in Toulouse starring in the title role of Nabucco
19/09/2024 12.59.00
Ana Maria Labin returns to the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées starring as Fiordiligi in Così fan tutte under Marc Minkowski
19/09/2024 11.21.00
Nicola Alaimo and Monica Bacelli star in Adriana Lecouvreur at the Teatro Real in Madrid, Nicola Luisotti conducting
19/09/2024 9.52.00
Yannis Kokkos stages La Forza del destino at the Opéra National de Montpellier, Leon Kim stars as Fra Melitone
18/09/2024 18.01.00
Stefano Montanari makes his debut at the Opéra National de Paris conducting a new Barrie Kosky production of Les Brigands
17/09/2024 10.11.00
Karah Son opens the season at the LA Opera starring as Cio-Cio-San in Madama Butterfly
16/09/2024 15.07.00
George Petrou opens the new Komische Oper Berlin season conducting a new production of Handel’s Messiah. Damiano Michieletto directing
16/09/2024 14.49.00
Daniel Cohen debuts at the Aalto-Musiktheater Essen conducting Alban Berg’s Wozzeck
13/09/2024 17.33.00
Raffaele Abete stars as The Duke of Mantua in Rigoletto in Cardiff and on tour with the the Welsh National Opera
13/09/2024 11.31.00
Teresa Iervolino and Maria Laura Iacobellis star in Rossini’s La Cenerentola at the Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Gianluca Capuano conducting
11/09/2024 13.08.00
Alessandro Cadario conducts a Gala Concert with the Orchestra of the Teatro Massimo Bellini in Catania
11/09/2024 12.42.00
Music Director Andriy Yurkevych conducts L’Elisir d’amore at the National Theatre in Prague
11/09/2024 12.21.00
Nicolò Jacopo Suppa makes his debut with the Teatro Petruzzelli Orchestra in Bari conducting a program of famous overtures and songs
10/09/2024 18.09.00
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